o Certain Madness: March 2012


Monday, March 26, 2012

Learning Basic Strumming Method

For the basic strumming, i'd given you previously some idea and illustrations of strumming. When we start to learn executing chords on the guitar, the other hand instinctively try to strum the strings just to hear the sound. We must not go too far at once about learning chord executions while leaving behind these basic strumming techniques. Strumming is the next movement upon every chord execution. So upon learning some of the basic chords here we will learn about strumming at its basic stance.

"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and" - repeat this sequence of counting over and over in your daily practice. This counting starts with the downward thumb stroke upon the strings  For more easy strumming, you can strum by your thumb at those indicated numbers only in pure downward thumb strokes. It should be like this:

1  and  2  and  3  and  4  and
D        D         D         D        ( D = down stroke of the thumb; in some lessons they use arrows pointing downward)

Repeat this counting for at least 2 times in a single chord and then change your chord and do the same counting. This is done for more speedy hand familiarization of strumming and chord executions. You can make any series of chord progressions like for example: you start from "G", then "Em". followed by "Am", then "D" and back to "G".